Please use hand sanitiser. This should be done as a minimum on entering and leaving the studio and after coughing or sneezing.
Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your arm when you cough or sneeze.
Used tissues should be disposed of promptly in the nearest bin and sanitise your hands
Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth while at the studio
Ensure you are cleaning between goes on the equipment
Avoid touching any other poles
Only use the cleaning products provided for your pole and the floor in the studio
Please bring your own mat if you would like to use one for warm ups
Please ensure you have your own grip aid, do not use chalk or any grip that will leave a residue on the poles. Stickum is not permitted in the studio
All cleaning products have been provided by the studio and instructors can advise of their use.
Students will be asked to clean the pole they have used after their session from top to bottom susing pray bottles and towels provided in the studio.
Please clean anything you have touched in the studio during your session using the antibacterial spray and paper towels provided.
High touch areas must be cleaned and disinfected after your pole session using professional grade anti-bacterial spray. For classes the instructor will do this.
Please ensure all waste is disposed of safely in the bin
Please sanitise your hands after disposing of waste
Please remove waste your self when you leave from your pole session and dispose of it at home.
Students and instructors must wash hands upon arrive at the studio and use the hand sanitiser before entering.
Handwashing facilities are available in the toilet area of the building
A hand sanitiser dispenser is located immediately on entry to the studio
Disposable paper towels and bins are provided.
Hand sanitiser should be used when touching shared surfaces, sneezing or coughing
Please leave all non-essential items in your car or your home. Only bring to the studio exactly what you need for your session and take it home with you at the end.
Students have an area to store belongings in the studio but this will be small.
Please come to your pole session ready with your pole kit under your clothes.